Pelvic pressure, 27 weeks


I had cramps on Saturday afternoon going overnight, feeling of increased pelvic pressure and very frequent urination, like every 10-15 min. Sun morning I called L&D and they told me to come in to get checked since I have history of preterm 32w delivery. UTI test was negative, cervix was closed, fibronectin test came back negative (it's protein that can be found on cervix 1-2 weeks before labor). The only thing they found that my cervix is borderline short - 2.5-2.8cm and it was 5cm at 17 weeks. There weren't any regular contractions on the monitor while I was there for 4 hours. They sent me home with no recommendations, just to follow up with my regular OB on our next appointment. They didn't mention bed rest or anything like that. I came back home, still feeling strong pelvic pressure like all my organs are pushing on my vagina and I haven't felt like that at all up until Saturday. Is it something that just starts around this stage of pregnancy? Anyone else feeling it all of a sudden around 27 weeks? I'm debating if I should take it easy and see if it helps or if I should start some specific exercises for pelvic strength...