Anyone else feeling alone?


My baby is 4 months and I have a two year old also and I’m a stay at home mom, my fiancé works 5-6 days a week, until 4-5pm. He helps with bath time and my toddlers dinner.. my baby was breastfed for two months but he couldn’t keep his milk down so we went to formula and my fiancé has helped feed him FIVE times, in these three months for bottle feeding. I wake up with him every night, I will be up for two hours at a time at night with no help or acknowledgement. He used to ask how my day was and now nothing. He says he stressed out, I’m stressed out too. I’m not only wanting help, I want him to be more like a parent. Not just helping here and there with little things, which I’m super grateful for still, but I have my days where I feel like the only parent. Especially when I’m exhausted and there’s no offer to take the baby from me or take my toddler to the park so atleast he can play with kids his own age. I’m home bound most of the time because my baby has had the worst acid reflux, I can’t do anything with him crying non stop. I go to the chiropractor every week with my hip rotated out of place and pinched nerves in my neck and one leg is shorter than the other, this happens EVERY WEEK. Happens just a couple of days after getting realigned. My doctor says to get my fiancé to hold the baby a little more because my body needs to be able to stay in place for longer than a week to get better. And my fiancé knows this. He just won’t hold the baby if he’s crying or try bouncing or doing weird things to calm him down. I try everything until something works, he “tries everything” until he puts him down and I’m left to pick him up and do everything all over again. I know I’m nagging him, and probably bitching too much, but I have stayed silent about all of this up until about a week ago. I thought telling him how I felt would make things better. Boy was I wrong. I just feel so alone. 😔