Step daughters Mom


Wanted to get advice from mothers and step mothers on this issue. At what point do I stop supporting my step daughters mother??

My husband and I recently got full custody of my step daughter. Step daughters Mom is not living a stable lifestyle. No job, living with an abusive man. Constantly getting kicked out of the house. She herself got arrested which is why we ended up with my step daughter full time. She has no job. The boyfriend has no job. My husband recently found out that they have “friends” claiming the kids and then giving them the refund which is illegal. We still pay child support because they literally have nothing. I feel sorry for the mother for letting her life go to crap. Her and her boyfriend also have a 2 year old and last time he kicked her out he wouldn’t let her take the baby. She cried to my husband about how she was going to turn her life around last week. Last night she calls from the boyfriends house. This has been going on for 7 years.

I myself am pregnant and we have taken on a lot of expenses with my step daughter. $6,000 braces, $400 a month after school care, health and dental insurance plus all the attorney fees we had to pay because her Mom kept dragging us back to court.

At what point to I stop feeling sorry for her and cut off child support? I’m afraid if we do that she won’t have the means to see my step daughter. But we could use the money!