Chronic disease epidemic


I read this article that explains how added sugar in our food is (largely) to blame for high chronic disease rates.

“A growing body of scientific evidence now links long term overconsumption of added sugars to diabetes, cavities, liver disease, and heart disease. Much of this evidence focuses on a cluster of metabolic issues, known collectively as metabolic syndrome, that raises people’s risk of developing chronic diseases. These issues include insulin resistance, elevated blood sugar, high blood fats (triglycerides), high cholesterol, high blood pressure and a condition known as “sugar belly” (an especially dangerous form of body fat.”

Okay, so it’s dangerous - what should be done about it? They’d like to use the same strategies used to combat Big Tobacco (which the screenshots discuss).

***Do you agree with using these strategies to combat the sugar industry? Why or why not?

I really like that they compared the two - tobacco & sugar. I’m sure many here agree with these strategies used to help reduce tobacco use, but have seen people say no to sugar tax & say people should have the I’m curious about your thoughts after reading this article.

Google : medium sugar’s sick secrets if you want to read the entire article.