Taking A Break


My significant other and I are taking a “break” in our relationship. I hate it and I don’t want to be on a break because I was taught that breaks are for quitters.

He says he doesn’t know what’s wrong with him right now and that he loves me and he’s still my best friend, but he needs time and space, as if I haven’t given it to him every time he asks? I’m just so angry and hurt by his actions.

Am I wrong for wanting to end it without giving the break a chance?

Update: I’m officially single.

Apparently asking him to help me understand why he wanted space while asking him to help me heal because this process has hurt me was too much for him and this breakup is all my fault.

I really do feel like it is my fault and that I’m being selfish, all I want is another chance but apparently he can’t trust me anymore, but I haven’t done a single thing to warrant that. I’ve always been a loyal, unconditional loving girlfriend. Or I’ve tried my best to be anyway.

Maybe I’m the selfish one.