Clomid fail

Alison • My name is Alison and I`ve been TTC since January 2016. My husband and I are trying to start a family!

So my OB just called with my progesterone bloodwork results and my first round of Clomid she said I did not ovulate. She’s going to prescribe me the 100mg for my second round. I feel like my OB isn’t doing enough for me and it’s tough. I’m crushed. I can’t take anymore disappointment. She said my levels were at a 4 and she said she would like to see them at a 12 or higher. I suffered a miscarriage last summer and I’m still struggling. My due date would have been the 25th. The what if’s are killing me. What would my life be like right now. Uh it hurts so bad. Any thoughts or advice for me would be great. I do have an appointment with Boston <a href="">IVF</a> at the end of the month. Hoping they will be able to help.