My Boyfriend's Health


I'm having some trouble with the reality of my boyfriend's weight/health/eating practices. We're in a long distance relationship so I don't see his body often, but when I do see him, (every 3-4 months) he has gained weight.

He was overweight when we got together, which he attributes to his ex-girlfriend that was emotionally draining and he ate his feelings. He's working about 30 hours a week and is a full-time university student. I am personally a relatively healthy person, I exercise and eat mindfully. He is about 60-80 pounds overweight; he's tried keto and low-fat diets and hasn't stayed on track.

Because of his insecurity about his body from his ex-girlfriend, I tried very hard at the beginning of the relationship to support his self-image. Now I feel like he might have stagnated or even got worse in his physical health. How can I motivate/suggest/encourage a healthy lifestyle? We have a very healthy and communicative relationship so being straight forward isn't a bad idea- I just don't know how to say it without sounding mean. I love him the way he is but I am truly concerned about his health in the future and present.