Engaged at 20?

So me and my boyfriend have been talking about getting engaged with the last six months now more than ever were talking about it seriously because getting engaged would mean being able to move out and move in with my boyfriend, I’ll be 21 in April and to be quite honest I’m kind of done living with my parents but they are quite strict and possessive so it seems like getting engaged is the only way out. But while me and my boyfriend were talking about it he said that this engagement would just be to get me out of the house and that at some point later on in the future he would ask me to marry him again (or for real)

So, im kinda stuck between a rock and a hard place because although im dying to leave home and get away from my possessive parents, i want to do it right. But this is my way out.

I love my boyfriend and i do want to marry him but we want to live together before we do. And idk im kinda conflicted. Opinions?