Period uncomfortableness, maybe TMI


This is the only place I could think to ask this question and get hopefully a lot of responses that may help. Backstory: 2 and a half years ago I had my daughter. Prior to that my periods were completely normal. Always on time, heavy at first, slowed down, most often about 7 days total. No issues down there other than the annoyance of having my period. About 6 months after delivery, I opted for the mirena. I know it doesn't happen for everyone, but my period never went away. It's more irregular than ever, even now 2 years later. Some months I get it every 2 weeks, mostly spotting. Some months its back to every 4 weeks. Sometimes its 3 weeks. Never really heavy anymore but lots of lingering spotting which I guess I normal.

My actual question for this post is to see if anyone else experiences this during their period: I now get insanely sensitive and uncomfortable down there, a lot of times resulting in swelling and pain, which I can only attribute to friction from my undies, pants and or any pads I may wear during my period. I shower once if not twice a day during this time since I'm so uncomfortable so I don't think its necessarily a hygiene issue, unless I'm being too hygienic about it. Ive tried feminine wipes, washes, sprays, no relief. I'll even resort back to after birth things like witch hazel or the sits bath thing in Hope's that it'll help. Very little relief. On average now my periods last about 5 days, but this pain, swelling and discomfort can last for days after that. I go see my doctor next month but was hoping any other ladies maybe had the same issue and have some advice?! Thanks in advance!