When to Stop?

🌹Rose🌈🎶 • FTM since 12/23/18 <3

FTM and trying to figure out at what point I need to just not fight anymore. My supply is fine (if anything there's an oversupply) but my nipples are a tad on the flat side.

My 3 week old girl has a good strong suck but a shallow latch. I also get WICKED headaches when we feed and I cannot get a good latch. When I do get a decent latch she fusses and pushes away. When she does stay it hurts and I can't figure out if it's a bad latch or a vasospasm (I'm thinking spasm as it'll be both nipples hurting during and 15-20 min after.

The odd time I've been able to get her to feed for 15-20 min but usually after 5-10 min she decides she's done and then barely an hour later she's bawling again. I don't blame her for fussing. I know she's not getting the hindmilk to stay satisfied and I wouldn't want to fight with my flat nips either.

We've tried all the tricks and positions and a shield, too. Half the time with the shield I think all is fine and then I realize it's not and find half the milk she's sucked out has dripped down my side. I've had multiple lactation consultant visits and they just said Im doing all the right things. Keep at it.

We tried committing to exclusively breastfeeding for a weekend to establish ourselves. We were both a mess and she started losing weight even though she was still generating enough diapers.

It just feels like all the things against us. I know I can pump on a schedule and still feed her on demand. We can still do tummy time and all those other things. I just feel awful at the same time because we have all the pieces to breastfeed but just can't seem to get into a groove. At what point do I just say enough and just stick to pumping? How long do I keep frustrating us both attempting to breastfeed?