Advice for 1 year old who won’t sleep in his own bed


Yes, I know, I messed up and should’ve not let him sleep with my husband and I. But I was going through some things in life and I just did what was easy and now I’m paying for it.

So currently my son needs to fall asleep with us and then I’ll move him to his crib. He’ll wake up and in the middle of the night or so for a bottle or cause he wants to come to our bed. I’ll let him sleep with us and put him back in his crib. Recently I’ve been so tired that I don’t even put him back.

So far I’ve tried doing the “crying it out” but my son is persistent and screamed bloody murder till he couldn’t breathe. Then I tried the “reassuring” one, where I’d come back to calm him and reassure that he’s ok.

I’m out of options and idk if I’m just doing it wrong or what but moms I need help!