My mom needs heart surgery

Ashley • Wife 8-3-15,mommy to Jeremy James 6-17-16 & Kaylynn-jo due 4-3-19

I'm 29 weeks an my nerves are starting im so scared about giving birth this is my 2nd an I still remember how it was with my son. But my main concern is that my mother won't be there and that terrifies me we just found out she has to have open heart surgery to replace or try to fix two valves we're waiting to find out when they are scheduling it but we both have a feeling they are gonna do it when I go to have my have my daughter or she will still be in recovery. Yes we know her surgery is more important but it still sucks I'm very close to my mom an I want to be there when she has the surgery and when I have my daughter. My hormones aren't helping any either. But I told my husband if my mom can't be in the room I don't know if I want anyone else in there cause it was supposed to be my mom, husband,dad,brother,sister,mother in law and my cousin who is the god mother they all was in the room when I had my son. Uhh I really just pray and hope my mom will be ok.