When to separate myself from my parents..

Sarah • 19. |T.R.F. 1.29.16💘| IT ‘19 💚 BSU ‘22 ❤️

It’s long. Sorry.

So I’m 18. Been 18 for 6 months now and I live on my own and go to college and pay for everything myself. For a little background, my mother, father, and stepdad are all alcoholics and/or former addicts. This has led to very rough relationships with all of them. Through my life my mother has depended on me to basically be her slave. I did dishes, laundry, cleaned the house, cooked dinner, raised my brother, took very difficult courses in high school all while having a part time job and juggling a relationship in between all of it. Well when I moved out my mother had and is still having a very hard time letting me go. She wants me to come see her every week or weekend, wants me to come shopping with her when I do, basically trying to mend everything she messed up in my childhood (yet still denies abuse and ignoring my mental health issues when it’s brought up). With everything I’m doing right now, and it being winter (she lives in the country so roads are AWFUL right now), I just don’t have time or gas money or motivation to go see her all the time. On top of this, she wouldn’t stop bugging me for money I owed her for a $900 car they bought me even though they had enough money to wait a little longer till I could save up some so right before Christmas she made me give her $400 for half the car and told me I didn’t have to pay my car insurance and phone bill for Christmas ($100, no biggie) she then used that $400 to buy my brother and stepdad Christmas and got me pretty much nothing. Some candles and a cheap vacuum and coffee maker that I didn’t even need because my boyfriends mom bought us food ones. So I let her keep that and didn’t say anything about it even though I was shitty bc all my life I’ve not been able to have a decent Christmas and the one year I need help they give me pretty much nothing. Oh well. Well second semester of college just started up and she started begging me for the other half of the money plus my phone and car insurance bills. That’s $500. Right now I have no dinner in my fridge, barely any gas in my car, and I still need to buy supplies for school. I paid her the money because I had it from my FAFSA scholarship money thing return, but I’m still so frustrated. I want to get my own phone plan and medical insurance and car insurance and completely split off from her because I just want to be on my own already. I had to raise myself and my brother, I feel like I’m 28 in an 18 year olds world. I feel trapped and I want her to stop bugging me all the time. I pay everything except for my own insurances and I just don’t want to feel like I owe my parents anything because they owe me my whole childhood back. (Some of you will get angry at that, you don’t understand if you haven’t been through abusive behaviors and mistreatment from someone who’s supposed to listen and care for you instead of beating you for being depressed.) I don’t know what to do. Like I said I just want to be on my own already. What do I do?