Frustrated with TTC


Im not only in my mid 30s ttc but was also diagnosed with pcos last year. While that may seem frustrating in itself, thats not what this vent is about.

Its with my husband. Neither of us have had children and we both badly want to have children. At one point he wanted a football team of kids...(not me, would be happy with just one). But, he has a very low sex drive and i have tried to be understanding of this. Mine is probably a lot higher than norm. I have explained to him over and over again how it takes a lot more trying than once a month when he feels like it to be able to conceive. I have been blunt when im ovulating, i have hinted/suger coated. I have tried soooo many approaches. I have even gone through a month or two of well if he dont care why should i.

But i do care! I want children. I want sex, but i also want children. I sent him links the other day to read, one was in regards to how sex is important in a marriage and what a partner with low drive should do (along with what a partner with high should do), the other low sex drive and ttc. He read half of one, i asked do you understand why i sent those...his reply, not really.

Im at a loss...i really wish he would take initiative to figure out how to help in this situation. Im dealing with enough on my end with pcos and having to take medication.

We have been trying for almost 3 yrs and i dont want to keep goint to the drs cause while its already hard enough from everything ive read with pcos, i feel majority of the issue is we dont do the deed when it needs to happen.

I cant be alone, there has to be others that experienced this with their husbands and found a solution that worked for them. Im all ears (except divorce...while this is a biggie, he is also my best friend)