Shitty effing day

Lauren • Wife and Mommy to Little Man Born 2/12/19 👶🏽💙

Woke up ready to get my car sniffed since I’m on maternity leave. Get in my car and it won’t start. Throwing all kinds of codes at me. Call my husband who is the biggest stressor and my FIL who comes over to try and help. Turns out I need a new 500$ battery that I have to drive over an hour to get replaced. I am in my 9th month of pregnancy and the last thing I am trying to do is drive all over and wait for hours to get my f***ing car fixed. Then, as he always does, my husband makes comments implying blame on myself for the car needing to be fixed which later he says he didn’t mean that way and he is stressed about money and the baby coming and I lose it and say “fine I’ll go back to work!!” Which pisses him off and now we aren’t speaking for a few hours.

I was just trying to be responsible and take car of something important since I had the time to.....

Ok. Rant over. Thanks 👍🏼