Kinda feel like my guts telling me something

But i also struggle from anxiety so how do i tell??

I have been talkin to a fwb for 6 months he has helped me through a lot of emotional stuff. He wants more but knows i am not anywhere near ready. There have been a few "red flags" i guess.


His ex dumped him and she had been cheating, he stayed with her even after knowing she cheated.

He has a history of crazy exes.

He tends to tell little white lies I have noticed.

He kinda has an eating disorder, he used to be much heavier and now barely eats and talks about how little he eats.

I just kinda feel like he might mirror people? Like idk who he really is or his personality because I think it's influenced on others.

He seems to have always been in a relationship.

He has no make friends. Just one female best friend.

I have had a lot of bad relationships myself. I am NOT perfect. I bet I have more red flags than him. But that's why I'm being so cautious. I have tried pulling away a couple of times because i just get anxious or feel like we would never actually work. Thing is every time i try not talking to him i miss him so much and I feel so alone and lonely. I just don't know if I'm being dumb and irrational or what...

We also drink every time we hang out. Idk how not to tbh. It helps with my social anxiety. Uhg this all sounds bad. 😔