Don't give up hope!

Bri • 🌈 💙 10/2019 🌈💗 12/2022

I know that sometimes it can be hard to see posts of women getting their positives when you are struggling. I've been there. A lot.

I had 2 miscarriages in 16 months of trying to conceive. The last one was back in May. It took me 7.5 weeks to get my first cycle back and then months after that my cycle was still off. Finally today, I got my next positive on a test!

I had given up this month. I felt hopeless and as my period date approached I thought for sure I was out. Both times I was pregnant before I could tell early. I took tests because I knew. I got strong lines at 10 dpo both times. This time I tested at 10 dpo because I wanted to know if I could drink a beer or not. Obvious negative on a First Response. I decided to test yesterday with a cheap test (period was due today or tomorrow) because I like to torture myself and I thought I saw an teeny tiny line. I retested today and there it was! Still faint but there. I'm 14 dpo.

Not every pregnancy is the same! It can be disheartening when others get early positives and you just wanna cry. Don't give up! I'm terrified and hopeful and excited that maybe, just maybe, this one might stick for me! 🌈🤞