Prayers for SIL

Andrea • Married👫💍 👼Angel mama T.B.D 5/27/19 TTC🌈👶

Hey ladies!! My BIL and SIL have been having trouble carrying to full term and she has lost 2 babies in the last year. She just found out she has Lupus and a blood clotting disorder. She has been told to take one asprin a day and is in the process of getting something for the lupus. I don't know much about any of this but if anyone here does, feel free to comment about your expertise or experience with these issues. I'm sending her all the baby dust and prayers I can! Please keep her in your thoughts. I know she desires a child more than anything right now and I am honestly dreading telling them the news of my husband and I expecting because she's been through such a hard time. I don't plan on telling them for another couple weeks after my first appointment. Ill be about 10-11 weeks then. I just pray she gets her BFP and a sticky baby soon.