Wait, don’t Rush

Ali • Melanin Woman & Wife ✨

I’m not rushing anything nor am I going to wait. But every time someone ask me, “Are you married?” Well yes I am. “Wow really how old are you?” Uh 19... And then boom the,” Infamous.... “Wow you’re so young oh my gosh! You should wait to have kids!” I’m like well dang I can’t have a child and enjoy life?

I’m in the military I’m in college again I’m not waiting to have kids but if and when it do happen... I WONT be 50 with a child living in my house idc. (I don’t care). But why do females like me get pressured into having kids at a later age?! Since when did that become a normal thing?! Like I’m trying not to have kids in my home when I retire in 20+ years. Anyone else experience this? 🙄