Am I wrong??? I’m so upset right now

Courtney • Mother of 6 beautiful kids ❤️ ❤️

So I’m having an issue with my boyfriend right now. We have a house and a family (4 kids and 1 on the way) and we were SERIOUSLY behind on the mortgage because we fell behind a few months ago...Instead of selling the house we decided to pay the balance with MY taxes....well he has this business that’s not really getting anywhere anytime soon and instead of helping pay bills that we still have he’s spending his money on trucks/cars/work vans...we live in a residential neighborhood and are already under fire with the town for having so many vehicles in the driveway (he owns 6 vehicles now!!!) I only take up one space with my small car in the problem is, should I be super pissed??? He’s putting his stupid business before his own family and house?? And I think he needs to be more responsible and pay bills first? I’m already giving the mortgage company ALL MY TAXES to keep this place and he can’t even show me that he’s responsible enough to help pay bills. I need to know if I’m overreacting or would you all be mad? What would you do in this situation besides “talk it out” with him because right about now he’s ignoring me😐