Considering moving baby to their own room?


Has anybody already moved them yet?

I decided to move her crib into our bedroom at 2 weeks old because I didn’t want to have to try and transition her out of something into it. She sleeps fine in her crib...and only wakes up once a night to feed but she’s always getting disturbed in our room. Our bed excessively loud (never noticed until I was trying to be quiet 😂) and I have two large dogs that are up and down off the bed, shaking their fur out, etc. and every time any of us make any noise (even though I also use a white noise machine) she will jerk or move around and groan.

It’s impossible for my husband to get into bed quietly enough to not stir her so he mostly sleeps on the couch (he works 2nd shift and doesn’t get home until around 1am

We use an owlet and I have a video/audio monitor but I’m still nervous I won’t hear her when she wakes up. But I also want her to not be disturbed so much at night

Just looking to see if anybody has made the move and that it’s not as big of a deal as I’m making it 😩