I need reassurance!


So a week ago on monday i found out i am pregnant, tuesday i had my hcg checked, 37, wednesday 55, i had them checked again yesterday, 410. Since the day before i found out i was pregnant, i had nausea, sore boobs, and dull period like cramps everyday all day, heart burn just recently got added to the mix. Today i was freaking out because i woke up with none of my symptoms but as soon as i got in the shower, my dull cramps started up again and the nausea set in before work after eating chicken (meat is making me absolutely sick during this pregnancy). Tonight at work it just seems like all my symptoms went away, i hardly feel any cramps, my boobs are hardly sore, and my nausea is gone, and im actually able to chug water without feeling sick like i was in previous days. Im about 5w5d right now, should i be worried that my symptoms are gone? This happened the other day and they came back later that night or the next day. I had a miscarriage when i was 16, about 8 years ago, and i am so scared that this is happening again. Although with my miscarriage at 16, i hardly had symptoms, i threw up once around 6w and that was it, i miscarried at 10w. This pregnancy, the symptoms started hitting me at like 4w ish and wont let up till now. Someone please tell me you have experienced this before and baby has been ok?