A few questions...

Okay so I’ve used these apps (glow, Flo, and <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">eve</a>) for the last 12 months. We’ve been trying for 13, and have had one miscarriage in November.

I update these all at the same time, and try to update regularly. They normally are all the exact same, every period is the same and every ovulation is the same. Now I know you can’t go by the app, I know it’s not exact. However all my opks are negative, I’ve been feeling nauseous, been having (tmi) diarrhea, and creamy/watery cm, all consistent with up coming ovulation, as well as cramping on the right ovary.

<a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">Eve</a> and flo say today I ovulate. My husband and I tried to have sex today but he got a call to go out of town to finish building a garage 3 hours away, half way through. He won’t be back till Friday

Glow says I’ll ovulate on Friday. If this is true I’ll have more a chance to try this cycle. My opks so far match this as well as cm. However I wanna know what everyone thinks? Here are my opks of the last 4 days (some are 2x a day)

Not quite positive, I know.

I’m basically wondering if I still have a chance.