8 months post partum transformation

Evelyn • 💙💜 boy and girl momma

So ladies, today I felt like sharing my 8 month journey and the time it took to heal physically and emotionally for me, because I know a lot of you struggle post partum just like I did.

I had a very big baby (as you can see from my belly in the pic) and several complications arised during his birth. In the end, after 21 hours of labour and two hours of pain that nearly made me pass out, they wheeled me into the OR for a c-section. I lost a lot of blood, the placenta had partially detached and I lost consciosness twice during the operation. 30mins later and things could have become life threatening.

Following that I had anemia and iron deficiency. I felt like I had been hit by a bus. Weak, pale, in a lot of pain, scarred, saggy, destroyed, ugly....those were the only words that came to mind when I saw myself in the mirror. I cried A LOT. And I didn't want to be touched or looked at. Caring for a high need, velcro baby didn't make things easier as I was constantly nursing and carrying him. I felt close to my breaking point.

Over the course of 8 months I started to feel better and better. The pain faded, I became stronger. I talked openly about how I felt. Talking to other mothers helped me immensly. I started light excercises after 6 weeks to help close the diastasis recti. My belly muscles started to regain their strength. I took my baby for many walks in his pram. I treated myself to a lot of ice cream. I took relaxing baths, went to the park. I stopped hating my body and started appreciating what it had done for me! It made my son. My body is amazing!! It took 9 months for my belly to grow! So it needs time to shrink again! And I decided to give myself that time and enjoy my baby, because at some point he will stop being so clingy (and it has gotten much better) This too shall pass became my motto :) I now regret not having taken any pictures post partum. My body didn't deserve my hatred. It deserved my admiration. Be kind to yourselves!! You will feel like yourself again, you will heal! Do I still have stretch marks? Of course! Is the scar still there and very visible? Sure is! But that's ok, because my son left those marks on me. And he is the best thing I ever made! So now I am proud of those marks! Sending lots of love to all of you amazing mamas out there!xx

(Sorry for the long text!! 😅)