Boyfriend issue


So my boyfriend liked a girls photo on insta yesterday and she was wearing a bra and u could pretty much see her tits and it’s the second time him and I have dated and when him and I broke up for a bit they nearly dated and I feel like there’s something between them or he might still have feelings for her but I asked him if he has feelings for another girl and he said no but because of the shit I’ve been through with guys like I’ve been lied to cheated on played used and other shit that idk what to believe and I was wondering if anyone has advice or anything to say cause my friends think I’m jealous but I’m not like I just thought my pics on insta would be enough but idk I’m not a clingy girlfriend like i give him space I let him do anything like I don’t control his life but I had to unfollow her on insta cause I feel like if he likes another one of her post that it might hurt me and I don’t want to get hurt again. And I don’t wanna know if he likes her photos. But does anyone have advice or anything to say? Cause I really need some advice or anything cause I just cant stop thinking about it like it really bugs me and idk why