So stressed it's making me sick

I won't go into much detail, my husband has court next week for supposedly hitting a man. My husband is a heavy haul truck driver. He does the oversize loads. A couple months ago a man who was on the side of the road is saying my husband hit him with that load. His story, and the lady who is a witness both have 2 different stories that don't add up. We've been told nothing will most likely happen.

But I am so stressed it's making me so anxious. The company my husband was working for at the time said their lawyer was representing my husband, but we haven't heard from him at all. When my husband calls they say oh he's busy but he will call.

I've never been this anxious. Ever. I don't know how to relax. I just want to cry everytime I think about it because I'm so stressed. Can someone please help?? I don't know what to do. My husband is such an easy going guy he is just fine about it all.

If you ask any questions I'll update this thread. I'm not going to comment directly since it is an open case I dont want my name out there.

Jess- Not going to upset me at all. There is so much proof that my husband didn't hit this man. And when my husband went to his first hearing to plead guilty or not the lady even told him the judge will probably throw it out. Especially since the guy he supposedly hit left the scene went to get ice from this witness's house and parked somewhere else before calling 911! This company has had 3 accidents after my husband's and one is so bad it left a man in ICU which as of last month he was still in the hospital so they keep telling my husband that's why the lawyer is busy. He just has a lot going on. So idk. We have even met with other lawyers of our own and they have told us it will probably come to nothing.

Jaymie- Oh trust me we have. This guy has changed his story on his Facebook we made about it. He's been taveling. He's been walking around with his grandson on his shoulders but yet had damage to his back. He said in one of his comments he cant go back to work but he can do all that? Thank you I'm very worried about his career too since no other job will ever be able to pay him as much.