Echocardiogram and Anatomy x2

Alexandra • United States Army Veteran, 74D | Studying Forensic Psychology at Southern New Hampshire University, online | Mommy-to-be ETA April 30, 2019 🤰🏻| Engaged October 1, 2018 👨‍👩‍👧

We went for our echocardiogram and another anatomy scan yesterday where I got to spend 90 minutes watching the technicians show me my perfect little girl.

About two months ago, we found out she has a two-vessel umbilical cord. Upon finding that out, we then had to be scheduled to have a closer look at her heart, spine and kidneys to ensure they were growing and functioning properly.

Well, she got a clean bill of health!

The doctor discussed all the photos they took with me and stated that there is absolutely nothing for me to worry about with my baby girl. She is perfect. In the 50th percentile for weight/growth and moving around like crazy.

We have to go back towards the 32nd week so they can ensure she is growing properly (keeping weight on) since that is another issue with the two-vessel cord - Sometimes they stop growing due to lack of nutrients. For now, I just wanted to share our great news that our baby girl is A-OK. 🙌🏻

Above is a 3D ultrasound the tech attempted to get. It’s blurry because she refused to be still for any of the photos. 💝

And here is our personal favorite: the tech caught her mid yawn. This is probably my favorite photo of her thus far even though her nose looks BIG (like her Fathers Aristocratic nose).

She’s exhausted, just like her Mommy. 🙌🏻