9 days to go, 6 more days of work!7

Charlotte • Wife 💍 stepmom 👸 pibble mom 🐶🐶🐶 Kendal Grace Jan. 2019 👣🍼

Baby girl is due on hubby's birthday so he's really hoping she comes then (the 25th). My last day at work is next Wednesday (the 23rd) and we're going to start having sex and I'll do all of the "tricks" to induce labor then. I need a good foot/ ankle rub from hubby. This is my first baby, however, and I still feel pretty good so I have a feeling she'll be born after 40 weeks.

I see my midwife today and am going to refuse to strip my membranes if offered (38 and 5 today) then I see her again next Friday on my due date if the baby doesn't come.

This has been a long but short journey and we finally finished baby girl's room this weekend and neither of us can stop looking at it! We have the carseat installed and the diaper bag packed. I got my eyelash extensions to feel pretty in labor and my mom is coming at beginning of next month to meet her!

Also, my coworker gave me a link to meal prep for the baby's first few weeks and I'm going to try to do that all day Saturday so we won't have to go to the store for a little while after she gets here.
