Boyfriend appreciation


So I’ve been dating my boyfriend for almost 3 months now and let me tell you. I have never loved someone so much with all that I have. Granted, he is my first real boyfriend of 20 years living. This man has already seen me through my worst and best moments and there are so much more to come. My man does so much for me it’s overwhelming to think how much he loves me. I feel like I can’t do enough for him. He deserves a world of endless happiness and love. He made me homemade pizza at midnight because I was hungry and worked an 11 hour shift yesterday. He went to the store for me to get me pain meds because, yes as embarrassing as this may sound, I fell in the shower and injured my bad knee. He came over at 10 at night because I missed him even though he probably just wanted to go to bed after going to school and doing homework all day. This man will go through odds on end for me and i feel like nothing I will ever do will be enough for him. Anyways.... I was wondering if any of you lovely ladies could help a girl out and help me plan a lovely evening for my wonderful hardworking boyfriend. He goes to school full time so really the only good time to make a nice evening plan would be on the weekend. Any ideas? I would greatly appreciate it! ❤️