I cheated....

I cheated on my hubby for emotional reasons we’ve talked it out. It’s been 2 months since he found out.

He says he has all these thoughts in his head and doesn’t know how to get past it. Asking me, pleading with me how he can get past it....he says Sometimes it feels like it’s fading and other times it makes him angry.

He recently talked about matching tattoos than retracted a day later saying what if he was with someone else and she asked about it...

He said he is stuck between leaving and staying and doesn’t know which path to take.

We discussed my cheating and how it was a horrible mistake. We both have cried in each other’s arms.

We have been together for 14 years we have 4 kids ages 13,11,11 & 8.

When he is upset we hug & we talk it out.

My hubby and I are more involved in sex and affection than we have ever been in our marriage since the affair.

Cheating doesn’t mean you have to leave or get divorced. I know I’m a shitty person.

Is there a chance it’ll work out??

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