Cheated on me twice then broke up with me help??


Hi ladies. Well here’s my story. I met my ex on okcupid while he was in Mississippi for school at the marines. We talked for three months he made all types of promises about how I’m the girl of his dreams and that he cannot wait to come home to me and I’ve become his best friend and the wholeeee act. He came home and we spent every single day together. It was an amazing time. And then I saw a month later, that he had gone on tinder and hit up a bunch of girls saying want to hook up I have a free house. The house was my house. He was inviting girls to my house while at work. Well so long story short I took him back after that he said he hadn’t slept with anyone. Two months later I caught him on tinder again. He started crying saying that he was sorry and it was because he was depressed and didn’t have a job. Okay so. I took him back. One month later he tells me he wants a break. I say I don’t want one. He says he’s not ready for commitment. He then tells me we should break up, he tells me that while on tinder he had actually cheated on me twice and blocks me on everything. One hour later he’s calling me saying can we get back together. I take him back. Two months later he breaks up with me saying he can’t commit and he wants to hook up with people. He made a tinder again literally on the way home from my house. I know wholeheartedly I am STUPID. Don’t need to tell me this. But I am a very lonely person and I become very attached. Our chemistry was honestly amazing and all we did together was laugh and love, and he was sweet to me. The scary thing was that he could also do all of these things behind my back. I am seriously hurting from this break up. I miss having someone to sleep next to and to kiss, and everything else. I’m so sad. I know he was never really meant for me. I know that he is a liar and manipulator. I know all of these things. I just can’t stop hurting and feeling alone. Any after break up advice would be helpful. Thank you guys ❤️