Do you leave your slow cooker on while you are not home?

I'm so paranoid about I this (and no, it's not because of This Is Us). There are so many times where I need to have something cooking while I'm at work, but I refuse to. I bought an instant pot, so that has helped in certain situations, although there are some things I prefer make in the slow cooker. I live in an apartment and one of the buildings caught fire last year (not slow cooker related), but that still makes me even more paranoid. My sister's apartment also caught fire years ago (again, unrelated). I have pets at home and it would kill me if something happened and I wasn't there to help them. Not to mention, I would feel terrible for causing everyone else in my building to lose everything. All of these thoughts cross my mind every single time I even consider leaving my slow cooker on while I'm gone. I also won't leave my dryer running, or even mg washer or dish washer 🤦‍♀️ I hear how ridiculous I sound, but I can't help it.