Is feeding young kids junk food child abuse ? Read for more info


There’s a little girl at my work who is 3. Sweetest girl. Parents are friendly but here’s the issue. She’s wayyyyyyyyyyyy overweight. Now before you say she may have an underlying health issue (I have access also to her health forms and she does not have anything noted) let me tell you:

She comes to school often with fruit gummies for breakfast

Her lunch today was ritz crackers fruit gummies and peanut crackers and juice. That’s it. Her lunches typically look like this. She never has water only juice.

She wears a size 6 in her clothes. She’s wearing the largest size diapers and they do NOT fit her. She’s got a horrible rash with bumps in her private area from the diapers being so tight.

Her parents and siblings are not overweight like her.

My question is, is feeding your child like this child abuse ? Being an obese child has soooo many serious health repercussions both at present and later down the line.

Is it negligent to feed your child this way knowing she’s already overweight ?

At this age adults make the majority of the food choices for a child so one would think it’s the parent’s responsibility to make healthy choices.

This is NOT an attack on the girl or her parents but genuine concern as her teacher.

I’m a mandated reporter, would you if you were me feel this is something that should be reported ?? Again, is this a form of negligence and child abuse ?