Fingers crossed I’m not pregnant 🤞

Alright ladies, no judgements. I’ve been having sex with my boyfriend for a couple months now, and it’s become a weekly occurrence. I’m on birth control, but that’s the only protection we use. He doesn’t like condoms and the one time I asked him to wear one he said he’d rather not, do I didn’t push him to. But sometimes I mess up my birth control bad and I’m scared to have sex bc of it? He’s came in me multiple times now but I’m not pregnant, I’m guessing because of birth control. It’s been all luck up until now, and I’m starting to feel queasy. My boyfriend said he’d get me a pregnancy test, but I feel like I should wait a week or two. I’ve been nauseous lately, but that might just be because I don’t eat healthy or regularly. I don’t really know what to do, does anyone have any advice? Do you think I should get a pregnancy test just to be safe or do you think it’s because of my eating habits? And if I do get a pregnancy test, should I get it now or wait a while? Please help!

(Also I have pretty irregular periods because of the way I take my birth control, so I’m not sure if I can attribute that to a pregnancy. Plus, I got my period last month. Should I still be worried and wait until the end of this month to see if my period comes?)