Meds to help orgasm???

Just curious if any of you ladies have found any supplement or prescription that has conquered extremely low sex drive and inability to orgasm.

Here's the deal: I WANT to WANT to have sex. I want to get aroused. I want to have that burning desire to just spread open and get to it. But I don't. Or at least not with any regularity. Three weeks ago it happened for the first time in 2 years.

I have gotten off of all BC I was on, as I found them making ability to reach orgasm impossible and I already take long enough (30-45 mins on average).

My relationship is fine. I am in love with my partner and I have the "surface level" desire to jump his bones all the time but when it comes down to it, nada. I just can't get aroused, lubricated, or my mind in the mood for anything and it's so damn mentally draining to have to focus SO hard on an orgasm.

There is a pill called Addiya I believe that is supposed to help but it is prescription and not cheap. Has anyone heard of or used it before, or what have you found to take to help you? ( all the role play/spicing up/suggestions for the bedroom are NOT working).

-sorry to ramble.. just had an hour long session to reach climax and just frustrated and now sore as well. Help a momma out :(