I need people who are good with lines!! I believe I see VVVFL I know tests arent supposed to look at after ten min but at latest is 15 minutes. I feel I can see it just not sure it is kinda hard to tell. Like @12min I can see vvfl #help.

Last night I had a dream (I know dreams do not always mean anything) but I had a pad on and there was light pink blood as if it were implantation along with a little red blood. Saturday through Wednesday morning, I felt little twinges of pain that really didnt feel like pain. It happened many times. On Wednesday morning it was more so cramping on and off for a few seconds. Havent had that since and my period is due in 5 days.

I know you arent supposed to look at the test after 10 min but around 20 and 30 minutes the line gotten slightly more. I am pretty sure the test had a VVVVFL on it when it was 15 min or less.

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