Maternity leave

Alyssa • 26! 💚 Jan 9, 2016 💍 Feb 15, 2016👼🏼 March 25, 2017 👶🏻 May 4, 2019 👶🏻 February 20, 2021 👣

Hi ladies! So my work is a small law firm with around 15 employees total. Almost everyone already has kids but I am the first person to have a kid while working here. I started the job in September 2018, around the same time I found out I was pregnant.

I was told by the owner of our firm to send him an email with how long I want to take for leave, when I plan to take it, basically a list and proposal of how I want maternity leave to work. I was told to not mention compensation in the first email because he’d bring it up in his response.

But I’d like to know what other people have experienced for leave. With my first I was a full time student working part time on the weekends so I didn’t really get leave. I had 3 weeks off school and went 6 weeks without working.

What I imagine is 6-8 weeks off potentially the last 2 weeks being part time in office with baby (the attorney I work for approved and actually suggested this)

I will work until I have the baby which my due date is May 5th and my absolute last day of work if I go over would be May 10th.

I would like some compensation and I know I’d qualify for SDI at 60% of my salary but I’m hoping he will offer something else so I don’t have to use SDI. This is so huge because I’m the precedent for any person who ever has a baby working at this firm. Please tell me your experiences!