Okay so here we go.

Lucia • Luciaa💏

The other week I had been feeling sick. Some vomiting and stuff. But I worked through it. My assistant manager is becoming my best friend. So she noticed that. And she pointed out to me yesterday that my baby boy who is about to turn 2 has been super super clingy to me. Also lately I can smell ANYTHING. And if I don't like a smell at work I start to clean the whole store like crazy to get rid of it. (I never noticed any of this but she did) so she bought me this pregnancy test while at work. I got my break. I did it and. This happened. Me and my husband are happy but nervous of what our family would say to being pregnant for the 3rd time.

And I'm also very afraid of miscarriage as I'm sure we all are. So I don't want to tell ANYBODY and get their hopes up either. Idk what to do to be honest. I'm nervous and scared. And it's keeping me from being excited and I hate that because I've been wanting a baby.