Reality has sunk in

Laura • 12/22/09 ❤️ 1/18/19 💙 4/20/21 💙 10/27/22 👼🏻 🌈 11/17/23 💙

I’m sitting in my OB office right now. 40 weeks today. Had a BPP and NST today and all looked well. High blood pressure both times they checked. Mine is always 120/80 with no issues.

Doctor checked me and I’m still 2-3cm, which I have been since week 38.

We had an induction set for next Thursday at 41 weeks exactly in case he doesn’t come on his own.

He decided he’s going to send me to the hospital today to start the induction process.

Reality hit me and I’m absolutely terrified. I don’t feel ready. We have everything and we’re definitely ready. But emotionally I’m a mess right now. Please send good vibes. I’m a FTM and freaking out 😩😢😭