Baby boy đź’™

💜💙💛 • Expecting our baby boy in January 💙

My EDD was January 23rd but our baby had other plans. On Jan. 4th my water broke around 11am and I didn’t know. I went to L&D and started pitocin around 11pm. Contractions got intense around 1 so I got IV pain meds and then again around 3. The doctor came in around 5:30 to check me and I was at a 6. By that point I couldn’t talk through the contractions so I got the epidural. Around 9 I was at 9 1/2 and pushed for an hour and a half and he was born at 10:31 am on January 5th, the day before his daddy’s birthday ❤️ he was born at 37 weeks and 3 days and he was 8lbs 5oz! I have a 2nd degree tear and his shoulders got stuck but he was perfectly healthy. We went home on Monday but had to be readmitted on Tuesday for his Jaundice levels. Now he’s almost 2 weeks old and I couldn’t be more in love with him