Babies head?


Went to my 35w2d appointment today and did an ultrasound to measure growth of baby due to my lack of weight gain. Baby measured over a week over on everything except his head. Doctor said that’s measuring about 3 weeks over. Which he said is still in the normal range and not concerned. He said baby is in perfect position for vaginal birth and the reason I feel so much pressure is Bc baby is so low in my pelvis and trying to engage himself but my body is not allowing it. He said next week he will check my cervix and decide if he thinks it’s better to try to labor natural or do a c-section. Baby is measuring 6p5o. He said he doesn’t think another 4 weeks of pregnancy will allow me to deliver natural but won’t call it until 37-38 weeks. Anyone else have a similar situation or their babies head measuring a little large?