Ovulating already?


Hey ladies, I have a question. So I just had surgery about 3 weeks ago for an ectopic pregnancy and had my blood drawn a week ago and my level was down to 20. I took a pregnancy test yesterday and got a faint positive and a negative but almost positive ovulation test. Well starting yesterday evening i began cramping and having clear and watery discharge and thinking there’s no way i could be ovulating since the pregnancy test was still positive but hubby and I BD anyway. Well I got up this morning and test again and now my pregnancy test is negative but my ovulation test is positive??? Is it possible that i’m ovulating already? I haven’t had a cycle yet so it just blows my mind that I have a positive ovulation test. The picture below is the ovulation test from this morning taken at about 2-3 minutes and i will post the ovulation test and pregnancy test from yesterday down below. I just need advice on if you guys think i’m ovulating already??