Slow leak?!🤷🏼‍♀️


Has anyone ever had a slow leak?! What was your experience?

I was woken up to a small gush at 5:30am this morning. The "puddle" was about the size of an egg. I've had stronger and more frequent cramps than normal; but, not painful enough to call them contractions.

If I hadn't been woken up from a deep sleep because of the gush, I would just assume it was normal discharge.

If my water did break, wouldn't i be having contractions by now? (It's 1:45pm now.)

I plan to call my doc soon, but wanted to see if anyone else has experienced this or maybe I'm just psyching myself out!?

I'm also a SAHM to a 1 year old (currently napping), that makes it even more fun not knowing what is happening! Hah😊🙄
