Social Pragmatic Communication Disorder as an adult

I was diagnosed about two years ago when I was 24, after learning about Asperger’s Syndrome. I took an online test first, and then seen a professional an hour away. I knew nothing can really “fix” it, but it would explain why, even at 17 years old, I’d hide behind my parents around people- even most of my family.

I did two one hour tests, and my results showed I had Avoidant Personality Disorder, (the obvious) Social Anxiety, and Social Communication Disorder. I was told that SCD is usually seen in children, and it’s also a form of Asperger’s. And also something about being on the high functioning part of the spectrum?

I feel alone as a lot of people don’t understand why I don’t speak much. I either freeze up and give common short answers or I pause a lot and forget my words when I try to explain things. I don’t hide behind my mom or dad anymore, plus I’m a mother now. But sometimes it is still really difficult.