Elizabeth Warren


I know we’re all tired of Trump being a topic here, but honestly I can’t let this one go!

For those who don’t know Elizabeth Warren is a dem running for the 2020 presidency. She’s always claimed to have Native American ancestry and in 2018 Trump told her that if she could prove her ancestry then he’d donate $1 million to her favorite charity. So Mrs.Warren took a DNA test and released the findings.

The findings showed that while she is mostly European she does in fact have Native American ancestry likely in the range from 6 to 10 generations ago.

(So not a lot but she’s never claimed to be a person of color and she’s never claimed to belong to a tribe)

Trump decided it was appropriate to tweet this about Mrs.Warren

Thoughts, feelings?

(I didn’t see where this had been posted previously, but if so I’ll take it down)

*Edit- she did have herself listed as Native American under the staff directory while at Harvard*