Lh vs ovulation vs af


I tested positive for my Lh surge 17days ago. But I didn't keep testing, so now that I've done some research I see my Lh could have been surging for days. I haven't started my period but I'm scared to take a test because of the constant BFN. I'm also actually fearful of being pregnant for some odd reason (so much cognative dissonance!). I did further research to see if there was another reason for AF not coming, and it said I could surge without an ovulation. 😫😣 So now I'm REALLY worried about a BFN and part of me really just wants AF to show up so I know something. But then I know I'll be sad... So ugh. I'm all over the place. I have most of the symptoms of AF, but not all of my usual, so that makes me hopeful/fearful... Emotional. Lol. Give me encouraging thoughts. Have any of you dealt with the fear?