I’m honestly a Pig? 🐽

Okay, here it goes.

* Please don’t judge me too hard, I know how gross this behavior sounds*


My parents were very clean when I was growing up and loved to have a clean home with decorations and beautiful paintings, it was very stylish. I used to spend a lot of time at my friends house though and I got very comfortable with them living the opposite way. Dog hair was everywhere, dishes weren’t washed for weeks and the carpet was brown instead of beige like it hadn’t been washed for years. I somehow got to accepting that as normal and comfortable. My parents also always cleaned for me so I guess I didn’t understand that it took effort for the house to look presentable as a Home.

Anyways I am 21, I have been living on my own for 4 years now. My favorite part of living alone is eating chips on the couch and picking the crumbs up five days later. Washing today and ironing 3 months later if I want to. Getting up in the middle in the night to have a chocolate banana if I shall. Having the juice sit on the table just in case I want a drink at 3 am and doing last weeks dishes 3 weeks later. Clothes also pile up and create a never ending mountain next to my washing machine and I wash them whenever I feel like.

Now, I know what you all are thinking I mean if someone could picture a woman who lives in jungle den like I do they’d probably imagine a hairy sweaty cavewoman.

I won’t exaggerate but I always look the outmost presentable of anyone I know. My hair smells like peaches any time of the day, my nails are always done, my clothes are on point and all round no one would ever guess that I’m such a pig.

Here’s where the problem comes in.


okay so my boyfriend is like the mr.clean eraser dude. He’s ALWAYS on my case and it drives me bezerk. We don’t live together but we do want to next year or the year after but we just go nuts when we collide. The other night I went to my cousins after work and he was coming home from school and needed to pick up his charger from my house. He saw that I left a light on in the house and came in ( he has a key ) and saw a big ass mess in the house. He realized I was probably at my cousins and he found me there and was just so upset? He asks me all the time “how can we live together if you are like this” “whats the point of cleaning only when I come over” He really doesn’t understand me when it comes to all of this & I don’t understand him being so dang picky like how will I live with him if I cant even chill after eating, it all has to be put back right away and cleaned and I just don’t want to do any of that. I know I sound like a baby and need to take some consideration and be clean for MY sake but right now I feel comfortable not caring what my home looks like sometimes and don’t feel like acting like a housewife and being an adult and whatever.

I want to be a clean woman and be like people I know who are soooo perfect but..

:/ What do I do? Am I the only one like this? All of my friends cant stand things being unorganized and what not and im over here all snuggled up and comfy in my mess lmao.