Should Ex be allowed to attend birth?

I am 11 weeks from giving birth.

My husband left me weeks ago, out of the blue.

My emotions are all over the place and I honestly can't be in same room as him or even talk to him without falling apart.

He still wants to attend all my appointments and I have said I don't want him at any because he has chosen not to be with me so he can't attend. I do update him if it has anything to do with the baby.

My plan is to have my sister support me through the birth and I will let him know when the baby is born.

I don't want to hurt him, I just can't deal with him and give birth.

UPDATE - Thank you for your advice and support. TO BE CLEAR - I just dont feel comfortable having him there during the birth. I am more than happy for him to wait outside and come in when I am ready. I am honestly a mess and so scared he will take this as I don't want him being apart of our baby's life. I send him updates if I have a scan and all the photos. If he askes how the pregnancy is going I respond. I send him photos of the things I buy for the baby because he wants to see. I am doing the best I can. I really am trying to put the baby first but also trying to meet my needs at the same time. I am also trying to plan out some type of visitation so he can bond. I am not heartless but am very heartbroken.