Anxiety at a all time high someone pleas help ease my mind.


So I had my third child July 17 2018. He was 3 weeks early but perfect in every way. So I figured he came early for a reason I am going to spend as much time with him as I can. On October 31 me and the baby were on our way to pick up his two big sisters from school. But some idiot head the other direction decided he needed to be on his phone while driving and hit me head on. My car rolled 3 times and I got pinned into the car and couldn’t get to the baby. He had to stay in the hospital for four days because of swelling and stretching of ligament in his neck. They eventually let us go home but he had to wear a c collar for 21 days. Me on the other hand I had some trams to my back so here comes the doctor appointment, xrays, ct scans, mri and tones of meds. They had me on pain meds, muscle relaxers, and anxiety meds. Last moth I felt off and my milk dried up. I thought it was from the pain and stress. Two days ago I took a pregnancy test because I have not had a period since I got pregnant with my son and I figured I should of had one by now. It said I was pregnant as soon as my pee hit the stick. So I freak I have no idea when this could have happened we were careful and only had sex 3 times in the last 3 month. Literally once a month. It’s too soon and I have been on all this meds and done all these test. My doc did a hgc level test and said I am 7 to 8 weeks which means I conceived on my birthday dec 7th. I’m so worried for the baby. I had no idea. I the meds i was on. The xrays and mris they did during that time has me 😟 worried. My mind is racing.