Siblings in the delivery room?

My husband wants his 3 kids (my bonuskids) in the delivery room with us when we have our little girl in May. They will be 10, 8, and 8 (the 8 year olds will be a month away from turning 9). I don’t have a problem with it as long as they stay by my head lol. His reasoning is that they barely get to see or be involved with their other little sister (different dad, same mom) and he wants them to be as involved as possible with our daughter. And I totally get that! Like I said, I don’t have an issue with them being there.

I’m just curious if anyone else had siblings in the room while you delivered, what ages they were, and how they handled it. Oh, and if there’s an preparation you recommend. They have to go to a class our hospital offers to be allowed in the delivery room, I just don’t know what all the class will entail and if it will be adequate preparation.